SMS marketing everything you need to know

SMS marketing may be the missing link to drive ROI from your marketing campaigns. And as a digital marketer, aren’t you looking for ways to drive this success? For example, SMS offers faster engagement with your customers and higher click-through rates, which can result in increased conversions and revenue. 

Setting up SMS marketing is difficult but with, you can easily set up SMS marketing campaigns. It’s worth it for any business that wants to reach more customers.

In an omnichannel marketing approach, SMS can be a valuable tool to connect with customers. An SMS strategy involving personalized messages based on the customer’s preferences, behaviour, timing, and frequency will likely generate better results. Hence, SMS should be integrated with other channels to target consumer touchpoints. It can also be tracked for effectiveness to ensure a cohesive customer experience.

Read on to understand SMS marketing benefits, best strategies, measuring performance, and the various types of text messages to include in your campaigns.

Why Use SMS Marketing? 3 Highlighted Benefits

SMS marketing can include sending out bulk text messages to customers, creating a custom opt-in list, and sending out one-to-one messages. 

#1. SMS is Versatile

The beauty of SMS marketing is that it’s incredibly versatile – you can use it for everything from announcing new products and sales to asking your customers how they’re doing.

#2. SMS is Low Cost

One of the great things about SMS marketing is its incredibly low cost. You can send text messages to many people for just a few cents each, making it an extremely affordable way to reach out to your customers. And because nearly everyone has a mobile phone, there’s a good chance that your target audience will be able to receive your messages.

#3. SMS is Effective in Getting High Response Rates

SMS marketing can also be very effective in terms of generating response rates. Studies have shown that it can cause response rates up to eight times higher than email marketing. This makes it a great way to communicate your message to your customers and generate more sales or leads.

What Constitutes a Good SMS Marketing Strategy?

SMS marketing can be a great way to connect with customers, but it’s essential to have a solid strategy to make the most of your efforts. Here are some key things to keep in mind when creating your SMS marketing plan:

First, make sure your messages are conversational and engaging. You want your customers to want to read them, so avoid sounding too sales-y or corporate.

Second, combine your SMS marketing efforts with email marketing. This will help you reach more customers and increase your response rate.

Finally, always test your messages before sending them out. Try different variations to see which ones get the best response. 

By tailoring your messages to fit your audience, you’ll be able to get the most out of your SMS marketing campaign.

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Measuring the Performance of SMS Marketing Campaigns

One way to measure the performance of your SMS campaigns is to look at the open and click-through rates. Open rates indicate how many people opened your message, while click-through rates show how many people clicked on a link or embedded image in your message.

You can also measure how many people unsubscribed from your messages or mark them as spam. This will help you gauge your campaigns’ effectiveness and determine which message resonates with your audience. You can also use surveys or other forms of feedback to get a sense of how people feel about your SMS campaigns. All this data can help you improve your campaigns and ensure you’re effectively reaching your target audience.

Text Messages To Include in Your SMS Marketing Strategy

SMS marketing can be an incredibly effective way to reach customers and promote your business. By sending the correct message type, you can encourage customers to take action, stay engaged with your brand, and even make purchases.

Campaign Messages

Campaign messages are the primary type of SMS message. They’re designed to encourage customers to take a specific action, such as visiting your website or redeeming a coupon. Campaign messages should be clear and concise and always include a call to action.

Triggered Messages

Triggered messages are sent in response to specific customer actions, such as purchasing or visiting your website. They’re designed to keep customers engaged and encourage them to return to your brand. Therefore, triggered messages should be relevant to the customer’s action and provide value or entertainment.

SMS Marketing Types

Conversational Messages

Conversational messages are designed to create a two-way dialogue with customers. They can be used to answer questions, provide customer service, or promote special offers. Conversational messages should be friendly and personal and help build customer relationships.

Transactional Messages

Transactional messages are sent in response to specific events, such as purchasing or filling out a form. They’re designed to confirm orders, provide information, or update customers on their order status. Therefore, transactional messages should be clear and concise and include essential information about the customer’s order.


SMS marketing is a powerful tool to help businesses reach more customers and boost sales. It can be a highly effective omnichannel marketing strategy with other channels. However, it’s also important to have a well-defined strategy in place before you start sending messages. Finally, ongoing testing and analysis are essential to ensure your efforts succeed. By following these best practices, you can maximize the impact of your SMS marketing campaigns and achieve your business goals. Sign-Up for to leverage each consumer touch point across the web, SMS, email, Facebook Messenger, and Whatsapp.

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