With the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing, It is time to buckle up and ride the wave of innovation. Customers desire personalized content that caters to their needs. Your business outlook must navigate these expectations with strategies for micro moment marketing to meet customers at the right time. With so many channels available, it can be tough to determine which is the best fit and does not drain your resources or take up all your time. Fret no more! When you want to build customer loyalty, SMS is the channel that keeps you connected with customers at the right time. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the best templates for SMS marketing and show you how to use them to enhance your campaigns. Let’s get started!

Why Should You Employ SMS Marketing?

SMS marketing has emerged as a vital tool for businesses. It is an effective strategy for brands looking to connect with their clients. Let us dive into some critical advantages of SMS marketing: 

1. High open rates and response rates 

To explain this point, let’s let the stats speak for themselves. As per TextAnywhere, SMSs have an average open rate of 98%. In another research, EZ Texting found that 90% of consumers respond to a text message within half an hour. 

The statistics show that SMS Marketing is integral to an effective communication strategy!

2. Two-way conversation

Interacting with your customers is a great way to build relationships and encourage engagement. You can kickstart two-way communication by encouraging them to respond to your messages. Such real-time conversations are more likely to keep your customers engaged. 

3. Segmentation and personalisation

This advantage is related to the previous one. We know that two-way messaging can help improve customer satisfaction. But what if we tell you that it can help you too?

That’s right! 

By asking questions relating to the customers and their preferences, you can create comprehensive customer segments. These segments will allow you to deliver personalized messages to each group. Meet the customers where they are, and elevate your brand experience! 

In fact, Mamafuko, a restaurant, begins a conversational dialogue with its customers to understand their preferences. They send tailored messages at a time suitable to their customers. It helps them develop meaningful customer relationships. 

4. Economical with a high return on investment 

SMS marketing is the most budget-friendly marketing strategy. You can stay in touch with your customers at all stages of their journey by spending a meagre amount. Constant communication is likely to yield better results!

5. Integration with other channels

It’s super important for businesses to be present on multiple platforms and channels to reach their target audience effectively. You want to interact with your customers on their preferred media. And sometimes, more than one channel is needed. Luckily SMS marketing integrates seamlessly with other channels. We’ll look closer at incorporating SMS into your marketing campaign alongside other channels in another blog section. 

Examples of Brands with Successful SMS Marketing Campaigns

Believe us when we say several companies have nailed their promotional SMS marketing strategies. Their campaigns are engaging, relevant, and timely, capturing the attention of their target audience and driving results. 

In fact, there’s a high chance of your paths crossing with them on several occasions. Don’t believe us?

Let’s look at the examples, and then we’ll talk. 


The iconic Starbucks needs no introduction. Have you ever savoured the richness of their coffees? Whether it’s been a delightful one-time affair or a regular habit, you’ve probably experienced their brews’ charm.

Apart from mastering the art of making the perfect cup of coffee, they have also mastered the art of coming up with some amazingly effective SMS Marketing Campaigns. 

By tailoring their SMS messages, Starbucks offers personalized offers, ranging from exclusive discounts to recommendations matched to individual preferences. Starbucks also keeps subscribers in the loop about reward points, member-only perks, and seasonal offerings.

In yet another brilliant campaign, they hosted a trivia where the winners had the chance to win amazing prizes. Now, how cool is that?

Starbucks knows how to develop relevant campaigns. Seeing how they innovate and develop such unique tactics is pretty fun. 


Target is a name synonymous with retail excellence. They’ve been here for a long time. And they know what they’re doing.  Target uses text messaging as a means to improve its in-app downloads. 

They have attached barcodes on their products. If the people visiting the store wish to know more about the product, they can scan the barcode and read the product description and reviews. 

But what if the customer does not have the app? 

In such cases, Target asks the customer to send “APP” on a number, and voila! You get the download link within seconds. Download the app, and enjoy shopping. 

SMS marketing, as we can see, is the future. From contests and giveaways to app downloads, it aids everything. 

SMS marketing is a must. But what is needed for SMS campaigns to give promising results? 

Let’s dig deeper. 

What are the Requirements of a Successful SMS Marketing Campaign? 

A key determinant of a successful marketing campaign is the message. You need to catch the reader’s attention. Here are some Do’s and Don’ts for ensuring your messages are exciting and not spammy. 


  • Keep the text short and sweet. 
  • Make sure the text offers value, whether it’s through discounts or helpful information.
  • Use a solid call to action to draw attention to your brand. 


  • Do not keep the messages lengthy. 
  • Do not message your customers excessively. 
  • Do not use complex language in your text. 

If you’re new to the idea of SMS marketing, drafting the right message might seem like a tedious job. Consider using SMS marketing templates. Templates can save you time and effort while ensuring your messages are consistent and effective.

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SMS Templates for Marketing

If you want to enhance your customer experience and satisfaction, one great way is by providing value offers. Providing value offers has many benefits. It drives sales, generates revenues, increases brand awareness, and helps develop good customer relationships. When drafting a value offer SMS, ensure you add a discount code with its expiry date. Adding a strong CTA and asking customers to visit your site/ store is also a must. Let us look at some SMS marketing templates that help send value offer messages. 

1. Flash sales and discount offers

A key point for a flash sale SMS is encouraging urgency. Add a CTA like “hurry” or “last chance”. Be sure to add the URL to your site so that the customers take a look at the products and buy them if they wish to. Add a coupon code that’s easy to use. 

While these pointers may look too much, they are easy to add to the message. Take a look at these templates, and you’ll know what we’re talking about.

SMS marketing template for sales

Witness the biggest sale of all time! Up to 30% off at all your favourite products online and in-store Till (date). Use code ____ to avail the discount.

2. Free delivery

Offering free delivery is another way of providing value. According to Shopify, approximately 49% of people abandon their carts because of extra costs like shipping charges. Free delivery is, therefore, a great incentive.

SMS marketing template for coupons.

Hi (name)!

Get free delivery/ coupons worth (enter amount) for all orders above ___

Happy shopping!

3. Birthday wish

Customers wish to be appreciated. What better way to show them you care than a personalized offer with a birthday wish? 

Here’s an SMS marketing template you can use to wish your customers a happy birthday (and increase your sales too.)

SMS marketing templates for personalization

Hey (name)!

Happy Birthday! We have something for you! Use code BD21 to get 20% off on all your purchases for the next 24 hours.

SMS Templates for Customer Retention

Retaining customers is a lot more pocket-friendly than acquiring new customers. Improved customer retention also helps reduce churn rates. Customer retention is, therefore, essential. One effective way to improve your retention rates is the Loyalty program. You can take this a step further by starting referral programs. Referral programs help in the strategic targeting of the audience. 

SMS marketing can easily be extended to loyalty and referral programs. How, you wonder?

Check out the SMS marketing templates below to get the gist.

1. Discount offers for loyal customers

When you give special offers to your loyal customers, they feel special. They will likely purchase with you again when they think you care about them. It all boils down to making your customer relationships strong. Loyalty programs do exactly that. Here’s how to send messages and encourage your customers to join the program. 

Hey (name),

Thank you for trusting us for more than two years. As a token of gratitude, get 25% off on all online purchases. Simply use the code ____ while checking out!

2. Offering value on every referral

Referrals are precious to any business. They testify to your company’s service and help you acquire new leads. But how do you incentivise customers to refer you to others? 

Well, you need to be good at what you do. (that’s a given.) But, Providing value offers can go a long way! Here’s the perfectly crafted SMS marketing template that you can use to offer value to your customers for referrals: 

Hey (name),

Thank you for shopping with us. Like our product?

Refer us to your friends and get an additional 10% off on every purchase you make.

Just ask them to use the code REF20 when they check out.

Terms and conditions applied.

3. Discount offers for new members

Customers want good deals. So, naturally, when a brand offers a discount, Customers tilt toward them. Providing discounts is a great tactic for engaging new customers as well. Here’s how you can use an SMS to do so: 

Hi (name),

Welcome aboard! 

As a member, you get free delivery and discounts worth up to XYZ on all your purchases.

So, go get shopping!


SMS Templates for Collecting Feedback

Customer feedback is vital for connecting with your customers. By seeking and valuing their opinions, customers feel more admired. Feedbacks provide valuable insights, enabling companies to improve themselves. Feedback is a must for enhancing results and improving customer experience. 

Here’s how you can ask for feedback from your customers:

Source:  here.

1. Asking for feedback through replies

Hey (name),

Thank you for your recent purchase. We’d love to hear your feedback. Is there anything we can Improve?

2. Redirecting to a feedback form

Hey (name),

We loved the chance to serve you. Could you take out a minute and fill a short feedback form?

3. Feedback through a rating scale

Hey (name),

On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate your experience with us?

Do you have any suggestions for us?

Let us know here: (link)

SMS Templates for Cart Checkouts

Sending reminders is a crucial component of exceptional customer service. You demonstrate genuine concern for your customers and their needs by providing timely and thoughtful reminders. This practice ensures that important details are delivered promptly and develops a deeper connection between your brand and audience. Here are some reminder texts that should be a part of your SMS campaign. 

1. Completing sign-up

Capturing the customer’s attention amidst the abundance of distractions can be tricky. Sign-up abandonment is a common challenge. Reminder texts are a great way to drive them to completion. By keeping your brand top-of-mind, creating a sense of urgency, and addressing hesitations, these personalized texts nudge potential customers to act, reducing abandonment rates and developing a positive user experience.

Hey (Name),

We hope you’re excited to join (Company Name)! It seems like you started the sign-up process but missed the final step. Don’t miss out on all the exclusive benefits and updates we have in store for you.

If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team at (CS contact details). We’re here to help you!

2. Abandoned cart

As per Statista, approximately 70% of people do not complete their purchases and abandon their carts. These numbers are not great. Thankfully, SMS marketing can help elevate them. 

There can be several reasons for cart abandonment. Something else might have come up while they were shopping. Maybe they forgot to complete the payment. 

A significant reason, however, is high prices. 

In all these cases, reminder texts come to the rescue. You can remind them of the pending checkout and add a discount code to increase the purchase chances. 

Hey (name),

We noticed you left something behind in your shopping cart at [Company Name]. Don’t miss out on your items!

Visit (URL) to pick up where you left off. We can’t wait to see you enjoy your new goodies!

3. Payment reminder

With more online transactions, there’s a higher chance of delayed or forgotten payments. These reminder messages help by gently reminding customers to pay on time. They show that the business looks after its customers. By sending these messages, companies can avoid awkward conversations about late payments and improve their cash flow. 

Hi (name),

Your payment of (amount) is due on (date). Click here to look at the various payment methods.

4. Sale reminder

Sale reminders play a crucial role in boosting sales and driving customer action. Creating a sense of urgency is vital, as it motivates customers to act swiftly before missing out on a great opportunity. In the busy world, we live in, it’s common for customers to forget about products or services they are interested in. That’s where sales reminders come in as friendly prompts, rekindling their interest and reminding them of your brand or product. By using these reminders, businesses keep their offerings fresh in customers’ minds, increasing engagement and sales.

SMS marketing template for sale reminder

Hi (name),

Last 24 hours left before the end of our sale!

Grab the chance before it ends. Visit (link) for more.

SMS Marketing Templates for Integration with Other Channels

Businesses ensure a smooth consumer experience through SMS integration. SMS reinforces messages sent via other channels. Let us look at two examples to understand this in detail.

1. Integration with email

There can be several ways to integrate SMS with email. One way could be sending promotional mail first and then following it up with an SMS after a few days.

SMS marketing template integration with email

Hi (Name),

Just a follow-up on the email we sent earlier regarding XYZ. We hope you received it and found the information valuable.

If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us at (link).

2. Integration with mobile apps

Businesses use this method to send messages to mobile devices. The technique drives app engagement and user retention. And results in a more enduring user experience.

SMS marketing template for integration with mobile app

Hey there, (Name)!

Exciting news! We have a special update just for you.

(App Name) has some fantastic new features and exclusive offers waiting for you. Check them out now to enhance your app experience!

Tap here to explore the latest enhancements: (App Link)

SMS Templates for Confirmation

Confirmation texts play a crucial role in maintaining customer ties. Such texts provide prompt assurance of actions, such as purchases. This real-time contact builds trust in your brand. It demonstrates a sense of appreciation toward their customers. Regarding confirmation texts, two types are of utmost importance: order confirmation texts and booking confirmation texts. 

Here we have for you two concise and apt SMS marketing templates, one for each type.

1. Purchase/ order confirmation

Order confirmation texts are of utmost importance as they provide customers with immediate reassurance and peace of mind after purchase. These texts serve as a virtual high-five, assuring customers that their order has been received and processed. By containing all the crucial details, such as the items purchased and the total cost, order confirmation texts act as a handy reference for customers to double-check their orders, reducing potential misunderstandings. In case of any issues, the texts provide a quick and easy way for customers to seek support, ensuring swift problem resolution. 

SMS marketing template for purchase confirmation

Hey there (name)!

Thank you for your purchase! Your order is confirmed. You will be notified once it is out for shipping.

2. Booking/appointment confirmation

Just like order confirmation texts, booking confirmation messages are essential. They’re like little packets of peace of mind for your client. These texts should also have all the crucial details laid out. Customers like it when you explain all the nitty gritty stuff presented to them. With text messages, you can do so pretty quickly. 

It is a win-win situation. 

Remember, laid-out information is the key here. 

SMS marketing template for booking confirmation

Hey there (name)!

Your booking for (day) at (time) is confirmed.

You can see your booking details here: (link)

See you!


And it’s a wrap! We’ve (finally) come to the end of this blog. Hopefully, this blog gave you some insights into SMS marketing and ways to use it to your benefit. 

If you are looking for ways to automate your SMS campaigns, look no further. OmniEngage allows you to create workflows and automate campaigns easily.  You can also sign up for a 14-day free trial here. Happy texting!

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